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Did you know we can help you with your 401K Rollover?
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Lisa Bickmore
Job Title: Life and Property & Casualty
Phone: 814.643.4410 - Ext. 502
What is your morning routine like?
I have coffee, read, and exercise.
How do you take your caffeine?
2 Tbs Half & Half
What do you like the most about being in the insurance industry?
It extremely rewarding to help people. And I get to meet so many amazing people!
For stress relief you:
I’m practicing stepping away from the situation and clearing my head. Also, I read.
Not everyone knows I:
Was born in Ohio. I will publish a novel.
Your passions in life:
Time with my husband & family. Travel. Audio books.
If you could do anything at all, what would it be?
Travel the world for a living.
I am addicted to:
Audio Books
Something you would like to learn:
A new language
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