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Did you know we can help you with your 401K Rollover?
How will you pay for long term care? We can help!
Call us today for a quote 814-643-4410
A few months ago we lost our carved Eagle due to heavy winds. She had been repaired twice but unfortunately she is totally destroyed.
Pam and Lisa both earned their AFIS designation!
Call us for a second opinion on your farm insurance.
Announcing the Launch of New Branding
Posted 10/1/19
We have changed our name to Stern Insurance Agency. We are still a strong Nationwide Insurance Agency but we are gradually expanding our markets to include other carriers to help you with all your needs.
Lisa Dodson broadens her knowledge base
Posted 10-6-19
We are pleased to announce that Lisa Dodson will be expanding her Life insurance expertise to include handling Property and Casualty Insurance. Contact Lisa for any of your insurance needs, including personal and/or commercial insurance needs.
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